Sermon Archives

David Royes
April 16, 2023

Correct Confidence

Correct Confidence

In this passage, the Apostle Paul warns his readers to watch out for the danger of putting your confidence in the flesh. Being in Jesus, means attaching our confidence to the resurrected Christ.

December 18, 2022

Spiritual Greatness & the Glory of Jesus

Spiritual Greatness & the Glory of Jesus

As we prepare our hearts in this season of Advent, let us consider what it means to be authentic and inauthentic as it relates to the genuineness of our faith and the inevitability that we will one day stand before the living God.

December 11, 2022

Spiritual Blindness and the Glory of Jesus

Spiritual Blindness and the Glory of Jesus

When it comes to Advent, it’s easy for us to miss the significance of Christ’s incarnation. The Gospel of Luke presents the great reversal of who can see (spiritually) and who cannot. Today’s passage is a key to understanding the Gospel of Luke and the beauty of Advent: Jesus is recognized for who He is […]

November 20, 2022

The Gospel at Home

The Gospel at Home

One of the primary ways the Gospel is lived out is behind closed doors. Colossians 3:17-4:1 instructs how our horizontal relationships (relationships with other people) are always an overflow of our vertical relationship (our relationship with God). Whatever our position of authority is in these horizontal relationships, we have the opportunity to reflect the Lord […]

August 14, 2022

Being Mindful of the Wonder of the Gospel

Being Mindful of the Wonder of the Gospel

Our message today takes a microscope to a single verse: Colossions 1:13. It may be a verse we’ve read often, but lingering on it will provide new insight on the wonders God has done in the Gospel. Our verse helps us be mindful of the terror of being lost, the centrality of Jesus himself, and […]

July 3, 2022

True Blessing – Fear God

True Blessing - Fear God

Deep contentment only comes from the fear of the Lord. Psalm 2 artfully teaches this as the author depicts four individuals taking the stage to speak on freedom and the fear of the Lord: the world, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

April 24, 2022

Saved…for God’s Glory

Saved…for God’s Glory
February 20, 2022

An Unexpected Repentance

An Unexpected Repentance
October 24, 2021

Always Through Faith

Always Through Faith

So far in Romans, we have seen the bad news of our sin and the good news of God’s gracious salvation through faith in Jesus. But how does that fit with everything that came before? In Romans 4:1-12, we see how salvation has always and only been by faith in God’s promise.

August 15, 2021

The King Who Brings His Kingdom

The King Who Brings His Kingdom

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