Taking the Gospel Home

July 13, 2014


Titus 2:1-11:  In his letter to Titus, the Apostle Paul describes how false teaching corrupts and upsets households. Conversely he shows how sound doctrine right-sets households, and adorns Jesus. He commands the treasure of sound doctrine, paints the picture of sound living in the home, and holds out The Person behind our salvation.

1. The Treasure of Sound Doctrine

  • Good teaching is essential to your health

2. The Picture of Sound Living

  • Older men live with sobriety
  • Women are mentored and guarded
  • Young men choose self control
  • Submissiveness is cherished

3. The Person behind Salvation

Questions for further discussion

What do you often let take the place of sound doctrine, corporate worship, or regular teaching from the Word?  [Reviewing vs2-9] How can you choose to increasingly live out sound doctrine in your home?

Bible References

  • Titus 2:1 - 11

