Posted by Pastor

Friday, November 27th, 2020

An Update From The Elders

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ – Matthew 22:37-39

Dear Brothers and Sisters.

In light of some of the news this week, we wanted to send a note to clarify West Valley’s plans and precautions for Sunday worship. 

The recent order from the state allows churches to continue meeting with appropriate precautions, and we plan to continue both our in-person gathering and our online streaming. That said, it is important for us to continue to be vigilant in mitigating the spread of the virus. This includes wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, observing the one-way signs and making use of the hand sanitizing stations. In addition to this, we are taking the following short-term measures:

  • After-service fellowship will be limited and the fellowship hall will no longer be available. We will work on creating more online opportunities to connect in coming weeks
  • Kid’s ministry will no longer be available during the sermon. We will soon begin to make online lesson available to parents and will mail devotional advent calendars to families with elementary-aged kids.
  • Our service will be adjusted slightly to move more singing toward the end

Even though we believe it’s important to offer in-person services, we encourage you each to prayerfully consider the well-being of your family, others in the church and the wider community in determining whether to attend.

In addition to the usual pre-screening questionnaire (included in the weekly email) please consider the following:

  • Have you recently travelled out-of-state or to an area known to have a high transmission rate of covid-19?
  • Have you had out-of-state or out-of-town visitors from such a region?
  • Have you been asked to quarantine by your work, school or the department of health?
  • If any of these situations apply, have you been able to obtain a covid-19 test to confirm that you are not carrying the virus?
  • Do you anticipate having close contact with anyone who is especially vulnerable within the next 14 days?

If you believe it is best not to attend in person, our live stream will continue to be available at You can also join a zoom call after the service by following the link in the church email.

As you weigh all the different factors, the goal is to respond to God’s grace in Christ by worshipping Him and loving our neighbors. We realize this requires wisdom, especially during the holiday season. Please reach out if you need help or have any concerns or questions. The Session covets your prayers for wisdom during this time as we also continue to pray for you.

In Christ,

The Elders of West Valley Presbyterian Church


Saturday, November 14th, 2020

Important Reminder + After-service Zoom

Brothers & Sisters,  As you are likely aware, we are seeing an increase in Covid-19 cases both locally and nationally. In light of this, we wanted to remind you of the steps we are asking everyone to take to try and prevent the spread of the virus. 

Complete the ‘pre-flight check’ – Before you come to church on Sunday, please review the checklist we include in the weekly email. If you or someone in your household is sick, please remain home and join us via the live stream at

Mask up – We ask that everyone who can wear a mask do so while inside the building. 

Spread out –Please follow these signs in the pews and make sure you are at least 6 feet from the next household. Also, please remember to socially distance before and after the service.

Check-in – Keep an eye out for one another. Reach out and offer encourage if you don’t see someone for a week or so. 

Zoom on – If you are unable to attend in person, we invite you to join a fellowship time via Zoom after the service. Check your email of contact for details.

Look up – Keep praying that the Lord will keep us and our community safe. Ask Him to use these circumstances to grow us and to advance the gospel. 

We recognize that these measures are sometimes uncomfortable and inconvenient. Our ultimate goal is to practically express Christ-like love for one another and the wider community. As your elders, we are committed to regularly evaluating our approach and will take steps to either relax or adjust protocols as appropriate.  We encourage you to persevere in faith through this season and thank you so much for your ongoing partnership. 

In Christ,

The Elders of West Valley Presbyterian Church


Thursday, July 16th, 2020

An update from the Elders

As many of you will know, our governor recently gave an order restricting public gatherings to 25 people or less. However, during his news conference he also provided a helpful clarification that religious gatherings were exempt from this ban.

As a church we are taking all of the recommended precautions to mitigate the spread of the virus. This includes asking all people to wear masks, spacing households out by more than 6 feet, operating a one way system, reordering the service to limit the time we spend in the sanctuary after singing as well as various other steps.

In light of all of this, we will continue to meet inside as planned. For those who don’t feel comfortable attending, we are offering a service live stream at

Please continue to pray for our government, our community and our congregation as we adapt to this ever-changing situation. We plan to monitor further developments and will inform you of any changes as soon as possible. Please reach out if you have any questions.

– The Session of West Valley Presbyterian Church


Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Indoor Service Plans

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:10-11

As we mentioned on Sunday, we are planning to take our service back indoors this coming week (June 28th). Below is a walk through of what that will look like. There is also a simple ‘infographic’ at the end of this message to summarize.

The aim is to apply the above scripture. As those loved by God, we are called to love one another – that means being mindful of one another’s safety.

Live stream

  • We understand some of us might not feel comfortable meeting inside yet. Therefore, we are continuing to live stream at We encourage you to do whatever you feel is best for you and your family.

Before you arrive

  • The weekly email will include a brief ‘self-check’ questionnaire. Please review this before you head out.
  • Prayers, song words etc. will be projected up on the screen but please bring your Bible and, if you would like one, a print-out of the bulletin.
  • Please plan to wear a mask while in the building (see details below).

A note on masks

  • We are asking everyone who can tolerate a mask to wear one. You may have gotten used to not wearing one outside, but as we move inside, this becomes a key way to care for each other.
  • Masks will be available for those for who don’t have one.
  • If you are unable to wear a mask, please let us know ahead of time by emailing
  • Children should wear masks at least when they arrive and when they leave. Note: children under 2 and those unable to remove their own masks should NOT wear one.

When you arrive

  • Come in through the ‘worship entrance’ as usual. There will be a one-way system to prevent unnecessary cross-over in foot traffic so please follow the signs.
  • Note: The handicapped parking, entrance and exit will also be available as usual.
  • When you come to the sanctuary, please wait for an usher to lead you to your seat. We will spread people out in the sanctuary and seats will be filled as people arrive.
  • An area will be reserved in which masks are strictly required. If you would like to sit in this area, please let an usher know.

During the service

  • You may notice some changes to the service. For example, more of our singing may take place toward the end.
  • We will not pass an offering plate but an offering box will be available on the way out.
  • At this point we will not be offering nursery or Sunday school classes but activity/coloring pages and crayons will be available. In coming weeks, we hope to offer something for the younger kids.

After the service

  • There will be two fellowship areas available to help us spread out and practice social distancing. We’ll explain where you should go at the end of the service.
  • When you leave, please exit the building via the side door at the north end of the narthex (the opposite end to the welcome desk). This will be clearly marked.

Other things to note

  • Bathrooms will be open.
  • Touchless hand sanitizing stations will be available at various points in the building
  • Finally, we encourage you to pray: for wisdom as we seek to keep the congregation safe; for protection, especially for the most vulnerable; for God to use us to draw more people to a place of spiritual safety in Christ!

Thank you for your continued prayers and patience as we navigate this situation. We pray the Lord will continue to strengthen you by His Word whether you are able to attend or join us via live stream. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or question at

In Christ,
The Session of West Valley Presbyterian Church


Wednesday, May 25th, 2020

We are excited to be beginning in-person worship at West Valley this Sunday! The services will be a little different and will take place at 9:30am in the parking lot.

Here is an FAQ to help you prepare.

What can I expect when I arrive?

When you pull into Bethany, you will be directed to a parking space by volunteers in yellow vests. For the safety of others, please drive slowly and follow the directions of these attendants.

The cars will form a U-shape around a central ‘stage’ area. There will be an empty space between each car to allow us to practice ‘social distancing’.

Once you’ve parked, we encourage you to set out lawn chairs in front of your car so you can participate in the service and see those around you. Please keep your chairs within the boundaries of your parking space. This will allow plenty of distance between you and neighboring families.

Note: If each family is able to bring just one vehicle, that may help us avoid running out of space.

WHEN should I plan to arrive?

The service will begin as close to 9:30am as possible. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early so you can get set up. Those who arrive AFTER the start of the service will be directed to an overspill area.

What should I bring?

  • Lawn chair(s)
  • Bibles
  • Water
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Coloring/activities for kids
  • Print-out of the bulletin and/or devices to view it (see below)
  • Cloth masks/face-coverings (see below)

How can I help?

Our main need is for volunteers to help direct vehicles. If you can serve in this way, please contact Mark ASAP by text (610-730-5013) or email (

What will we do about song words etc.?

We will send out a copy of the bulletin on Friday. This will include a link to the website version and a pdf you can print at home. We will not be projecting words, so please come with print outs or with enough devices for your family. If you do not have a suitable device or printer, we will have a limited number of print-outs available.

Will I be required to wear a mask?

No. However, we strongly encourage everyone who can tolerate one to do so (except for children under 2 and those who have health conditions that make it dangerous). The reason for wearing a mask is to protect others rather than ourselves. Also, this demonstrates to our neighbors around the church building that we are doing everything we can to protect them and one another.

What if it rains or is too hot?

The service will still take place come rain or shine (with possible exceptions for extreme weather!). The audio will be broadcast via a short-range FM transmitter so you can listen from your car. Likewise, if it is incredibly hot you can sit in your car and run the AC. Alternatively, you are welcome to bring umbrellas!

What should my fellowship and interaction with other looks like?

We encourage you to connect with other individuals and families in the church, but please respect one another’s wishes and try to practice social distancing. At the end of the service, we will try to manage the flow of traffic so those who would like to can remain for a while.

What about my kids?

We are doing everything we can to keep the kids safe while meeting outside. By directing cars when they arrive, we will ensure no one is driving past spots where families have already set up. Volunteers will also be on hand to ensure people exit safely.

As always, please be considerate of others. Our kids will be excited to see each other and play together. As much as possible, we encourage you to avoid this and to be respectful of the wishes of other parents.

Note: We will not be providing printed kids activities but encourage you to bring anything you need to help your kids (including plenty of water, snacks and sunscreen if its sunny and hot).

Will restrooms be available?

Please try to make sure everyone in your family is in good shape BEFORE you come! However, we will unlock the doors to provide access to the restrooms should there be any unexpected emergencies. Hand sanitizer will be available and wipes for the door handles.

I don’t yet feel comfortable meeting. Can I still be involved?

We are all in different circumstances and we truly believe this is a matter of personal conscience. We encourage you to do what you believe is best for you and your family.

There are still two other options to participate. Firstly, there will be parking spots set aside for those who want to attend but not get out of their cars. They can listen in via the FM broadcast. Secondly, we will continue to live stream the service so you can watch at home (the stream will not include song words etc so please be prepared with a bulletin).

Why have the elders decided it’s ok meet and why are we meeting outside?

A lot of thought and prayer has gone into this decision. As people redeemed by His grace, God has given us guidance about how to live in his Commandments. One helpful way to think about this is as a wise application of Commandments four through six (see Exodus 20).

  • The fourth commandment teaches us to keep the sabbath. A key application of this is to meet together each Lord’s Day. We have reached the point where we believe we are no longer providentially hindered from meeting since we are able to do so safely (see below).
  • The fifth commandment teaches us to honor our father and mother. The Scripture extend this beyond our immediate family to all in positions of authority (cf. Romans 13). We have sought to honor both the spirit and letter of directives of our State and Federal government. We believe there is nothing illegal or disrespectful about meeting in the way we propose.
  • The sixth commandment teaches us not to murder. On the contrary, we should seek to protect and preserve human life since we are made in God’s image. Ensuring the safety of our congregation and community is one of the key things that has guided our decisions. In light of the recommendations of the CDC and local health professionals, we believe our outdoor service will present very little risk.

We ask for your continued prayers and patience as we seek to provide (fallible) leadership to the congregation. Praise God we have an infallible, perfect king who rules no matter what happens!

How long will we be doing this?

We plan to have outdoor services for the next few weeks and then reassess the possibility of resuming services inside the building.

What if I have more questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Mark or one of the other elders if you have any concerns or questions.

Every blessing in Christ,
The Session of West Valley Presbyterian Church


Saturday, April 25th, 2020

Brothers and sisters,

The last few weeks have been difficult for numerous reasons! Amongst other things, we have been feeling the lack of fellowship in corporate worship. In the words of the psalm 84:2 our souls “long, yes, faint for the courts of the LORD.” In light of this, we wanted to share about the pathway toward restoring in-person gatherings at West Valley.

State and Federal officials recently made announcements about the best next steps in restoring ‘normality’. These all suggest reopening should take place in a series of stages as the situation continues to improve. Each phase will bring the possibility of larger groups meetings. Therefore, we expect things to progress in the following three stages. Note: these broadly coincide with the governor’s red, yellow and green phases detailed here.

Stage 1: Small Groups – When it is deemed safe, the first thing we will do is restore in-person fellowship in small groups and Bible studies. At this time we will also be looking for other ways to connect in smaller groups. These smaller gatherings will include some clear mitigation protocols, but we are excited about connecting in this way again!

Stage 2: Limited Participation on Sunday – As restrictions are further lifted we expect to open Sunday morning services to an limited number of people. This number will be capped according to CDC guidelines and the advice of medical professionals. During this time the service will continue to be live streamed as well.

Stage 3: Sunday Morning Celebration – God-willing, we will soon be able to gather together as a whole church family. On that occasion we anticipate a joyful celebration of God’s goodness throughout this season! At that time, we’ll continue to take all necessary mitigations steps and may continue to offer a live stream to serve those who remain vulnerable.

We aren’t yet sure when this process will begin. Some of you may err on the side of caution while others may ask why we can’t take these steps right away. We ask that you pray it will happen soon, not only for our sake but for the sake of so many whose lives have been affected by this situation.

The painful truth is, since we live in a hard-hit area, the Governor’s stay-at-home order will likely extend later into May. Once that is lifted, however, we hope to progress through the above stages relatively quickly.

We will update you with any new information as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and ongoing support through this time! Please continue to pray for us as we navigate this situation. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help and support or have any questions.

Every blessing in Christ,

The Session of West Valley Presbyterian Church


Thursday, April 16th, 2020

Over the last few weeks, we have had to settle into a new ‘normal’ of working and studying from home, live streaming services and connecting with friends via Zoom. We know this is a hard time for all, and acutely hard for some, but the Lord is still in control. Therefore, want wanted to share a few encouragements about how we have seen Him at work even amidst these difficult circumstances

Here are just a few examples:

Weekly worship

While a live stream is no substitute for in-person corporate worship, it has been hugely encouraging that almost everyone in the church has been able to tune in each Sunday. Many of you have even shared the link with family and neighbors who may never usually accept an invitation to church. In addition to this, online Bible studies and other small groups seem to be going strong.

Creative connections

Many of you have found new, creative ways to connect online including one-to-one Bible reading, daily prayer meetings or even multiplayer online gaming! One of our aims for this year is to cultivate deeper connections among our members. Who would have expected the Lord might use these isolating circumstances to help achieve this.

Gospel-inspired Generosity

Whether it’s contributing to Street Medicine, helping a neighbor pick up groceries, maintaining your giving to the church or being generous in any number of others ways – the Lord has been moving you to think beyond yourselves and consider how you can be a blessing to others.

Powerful perseverance

Some of us are facing big fears and hardships as a result of this virus. Others are putting themselves in harms way to serve others. There are new challenges and temptations. For most, life has been significantly disrupted. Have we handled all this perfectly? No! Thankfully, we believe in good news of a perfect Savior! By his grace, God has been enabling us to keep going and to do better than we would apart from his mercy.

These are just a few things. We want to encourage you to share other specific ways YOU have seen the Lord at work too. In fact, our after-service Zoom meeting this week is going to be dedicated to that. Email the office for info about how the join this. Come prepared to share some encouragements.

We’ve also created a special Facebook group for you to post encouraging stories. Just visit and request to join then post away!

Every blessing in Christ

The Session of West Valley Presbyterian Church


Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

We are reaching out to update you on our plans given the latest developments with COVID-19. 

Sunday Worship 

Considering the most recent recommendations from health care professionals and the CDC, we have decided not to meet in person this Sunday but to provide a live-streamed worship service online. This is not a decision we made lightly. We are prayerfully seeking to balance the Biblical priority of corporate worship with our desire to love our neighbors effectively. To facilitate our Sunday service, we have already upgraded our equipment to improve the video and audio quality. Information will follow soon about the various ways you can access the broadcast. 

Online Connection Calls 

To help us connect and pray for one another, this Sunday there will also be an opportunity to join an online call with others in your regional shepherding group. During these calls, your assigned elder will lead a time of sharing and prayer. We recognize it might be difficult for whole families to join the call, but we encourage at least one member of each household to do so if possible. More details will follow shortly. 

Bible Studies and Small Groups 

All of our Bible Studies will be moving to an online format for the next two weeks. These meetings will take place via Zoom. Below are details of the various Bible studies, please contact our office for details of how to join the groups.

  • Women’s Bible Study in Luke 12-24, Tuesdays at 7 pm
  • Men’s Bible Study in Luke 12-24, Thursdays at 7:30 pm
  • Women’s Bible Study in Hosea, Saturdays at 8 am

If you are part of another small group, your leaders will be in touch about their plans.  We are also looking at other opportunities to cultivate online encouragement and connections. Please feel free to share any ideas!

Family Resources 

One of the challenges many of us face is shepherding our children through everything that’s happening. Spending more time together presents an opportunity to get into God’s word as a family. To help facilitate this, each family with young children will soon be receiving a mailing containing the following: 

We also have a free 60-day subscription to the Dwell app. This is an audio Bible app with a wide range of voices and reading plans to help you listen to God’s Word daily. To sign up visit This is a great resource! 


Some have asked about how to maintain regular giving with the move to an online service. We have an easy-to-use online giving portal to help with this. You can find information at including an introductory video. It’s also possible to give by Text Message. Just text any amount to 84321 then follow the link to set up your account. Visit the website for more details. 


In the past, Christians have excelled at showing the love of Christ in trying times. Amid our challenges, let’s remember the words of Hebrews 10:24 “let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” Whether it’s picking up groceries for an elderly neighbor or calling a friend who feels isolated, let’s seize every opportunity to show the love of Christ! And please pass along any creative ideas you have for serving our neighbors. 

Every blessing in Christ, 

The Session of West Valley Presbyterian Church  


Saturday, March 14th, 2020

Having considered the latest CDC guidelines and consulted healthcare professionals, we have been prayerfully weighing the options for tomorrow morning. Given our size and the mitigations steps we are taking, we have decided we will continue to offer a worship service at 9:30am.

This service will be shorter than usual and an updated bulletin for the service can be found here. In addition, we want to reiterate the need to be vigilant in handwashing and in avoiding unnecessary physical contact.

As we previously wrote, whether you decide to attend is truly a matter of personal conscience. You are free to do whatever you believe is best for your family and the community. We as Elders are trying to balance the importance of corporate worship with our commitment to safety. Each of us as individuals will need to do the same given our specific circumstances.

Whatever you decide, we want to encourage you to spend some time in prayer tomorrow. Pray for your brothers and sisters at church, for those at greatest risk in our communities, for healthcare professionals, for people whose lives are disrupted due to closures and for our local, state and national leaders. Ask the Lord to use this grow each of us in maturity and to advance the gospel.

And don’t forget the audio livestream of the service at or

We are also working on providing a video feed via Facebook Live. If and when we get that up and running, we will send you a link later on today.

In Christ,

The Elders of West Valley Presbyterian Church


Friday, March 13th, 2020

A note from the Elders…

West Valley will be meeting on Sunday with some significant changes to mitigate the spread of covid-19 (see above). While we believe it’s right to make this worship service available, each of you is faced with a personal choice – “Church is on… so should we go?”

We want to recognize that this is a matter of personal conscience. There are many factors to consider that will differ for each of us: our personal convictions about how we ought to observe the sabbath; our own health and that of our family; the contact we expect to have with at-risk people during the week; how we feel our children will handle all the changes; our work and family situation including how disruptive it might be those who depend on us if you become sick… and these are only a few of things we might consider!

The truth is, this isn’t a simple matter of right or wrong. This decision requires WISDOM. In all things, we should be guided by the great commandments – to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:29-31). We encourage each of you to think and pray through this carefully. We will be praying for you and are available if you want to talk it through.

We also want to reiterate the CDC guidelines for mitigating the spread of the virus:
– if you are sick, please remain at home
– wash your hands regularly
– avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
– avoid close contact with people who are sick
– cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue to cover it
– regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

Finally, whatever each of us decides, let us not judge one another, but strive to act in love according to the wisdom God gives!

And don’t forget, if you decide to stay home you can live stream the audio of the whole service using the link below.


Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Dear all,

In our recent sermon on Genesis 32, we were encouraged to respond to the challenges of life not with fight or flight, but rather with faith in our God and Savior. With the emergence and spread of COVID-19, fear can easily take over. We are tempted to rely on our own efforts, believing we can control the situation (fight). Or, we can bury our heads in the sand and pretend this isn’t happening (flight). What is the alternative? In faith, we can recognize our weakness, rest on God’s Word, request what we need from Him and then responsibly work by taking practical steps to mitigate the spread of the virus.

Personal steps

On a personal level, these practical steps include following simple CDC guidelines including: stay home when you are sick; wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer; avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands; avoid close contact with people who are sick; cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue to cover it, then throw the tissue in the trash; clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Changes to our services

Having consulted with healthcare professionals, we believe there are practical steps we need to take as a church family. The following changes will be disruptive, but we think they’re the best way to love one another and our neighbors by limiting the potential spread of the disease.  

  • Kids ministry – Beginning Sunday, March 15th, all kid’s ministry including Sunday school and nursery will be suspended. In addition, the gym will no longer be available. This will present a challenge to parents, but also an opportunity to talk with our kids about the gospel in light of what is happening.
  • Doors – when you arrive at church you will find the doors propped or held open to prevent unnecessary contact with handles etc. This will also be true of the sanctuary and bathrooms.
  • Bulletins – rather than picking up a bulletin when you arrive, these will be laid out on the seats.
  • Seating – we are asking that people spread out and only use every other row. This will feel different, but we plan to seize the opportunity to pray that the Lord will fill the space around us by bringing people to himself!
  • Bibles – please bring your own Bible rather than using a church Bible.
  • Greeting time – As usual, there will be a brief time to meet and greet during the service. Please avoid shaking hands and hugging (or giving one-another a holy kiss). This will feel a little unnatural, but a ‘wave offering’ is probably more appropriate on this occasion!
  • Offering – rather than passing offering plates, there will be a box available for tithes and offerings. In addition, you may consider giving online at or mailing a check to PO Box 3741, Allentown PA 18106.
  • Communion – we will NOT be celebrating the Lord’s Supper for the next few weeks.
  • Coffee – There will be NO coffee or pretzels available after-service. As mentioned above, the gym will also be off-limits.
  • Live-stream – We recognize that for numerous reasons you may need to stay home or decide this is best for your family. If so, don’t forget about our audio live-stream. This will allow you to participate in real-time, even if you aren’t able to join us in person. You can find this, along with a link to our weekly bulletin at

We are continuing to discuss the situation with healthcare professionals and monitor advice from the CDC and local officials. We will communicate any other changes to you as promptly as possible. 

This is a challenging time, and all of us will be affected by this in one way or another. Let’s not give in to fear. Let’s pursue faith, hope, and love in Christ Jesus! That means taking the threat seriously, crying out to the Lord for help and also making wise, responsible choices. Please continue to pray for one another, for our community and nation, and for the world in the days and weeks ahead. Please reach out to us at if you have any concerns or questions.

Don’t forget, as we recently declared together from Psalm 36:5:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! For his steadfast love endures forever!

In Christ,

The Elders of West Valley Presbyterian Church