Posted by Pastor

We are excited to be hosting in-person worship service at West Valley beginning this Sunday, May 31st! The service will be a little different and will take place at 9:30am in the parking lot.

Here is an FAQ to help you prepare.

What can I expect when I arrive?

When you pull into Bethany, you will be directed to a parking space by volunteers in yellow vests. For the safety of others, please drive slowly and follow the directions of these attendants.

The cars will form a U-shape around a central ‘stage’ area. There will be an empty space between each car to allow us to practice ‘social distancing’.

Once you’ve parked, we encourage you to set out lawn chairs in front of your car so you can participate in the service and see those around you. Please keep your chairs within the boundaries of your parking space. This will allow plenty of distance between you and neighboring families.

Note: If each family is able to bring just one vehicle, that may help us avoid running out of space.


WHEN should I plan to arrive?

The service will begin as close to 9:30am as possible. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early so you can get set up. Those who arrive AFTER the start of the service will be directed to an overspill area.


What should I bring?

  • Lawn chair(s)
  • Bibles
  • Water
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Coloring/activities for kids
  • Print-out of the bulletin and/or devices to view it (see below)
  • Cloth masks/face-coverings (see below)

How can I help?

Our main need is for volunteers to help direct vehicles. If you can serve in this way, please contact Mark ASAP by text (610-730-5013) or email (


What will we do about song words etc.?

We will send out a copy of the bulletin on Friday. This will include a link to the website version and a pdf you can print at home. We will not be projecting words, so please come with print outs or with enough devices for your family. If you do not have a suitable device or printer, we will have a limited number of print-outs available.


Will I be required to wear a mask?

No. However, we strongly encourage everyone who can tolerate one to do so (except for children under 2 and those who have health conditions that make it dangerous). The reason for wearing a mask is to protect others rather than ourselves. Also, this demonstrates to our neighbors around the church building that we are doing everything we can to protect them and one another.


What if it rains or is too hot?

The service will still take place come rain or shine (with possible exceptions for extreme weather!). The audio will be broadcast via a short-range FM transmitter so you can listen from your car. Likewise, if it is incredibly hot you can sit in your car and run the AC. Alternatively, you are welcome to bring umbrellas!


What should my fellowship and interaction with other looks like?

We encourage you to connect with other individuals and families in the church, but please respect one another’s wishes and try to practice social distancing. At the end of the service, we will try to manage the flow of traffic so those who would like to can remain for a while.


What about my kids?

We are doing everything we can to keep the kids safe while meeting outside. By directing cars when they arrive, we will ensure no one is driving past spots where families have already set up. Volunteers will also be on hand to ensure people exit safely.

As always, please be considerate of others. Our kids will be excited to see each other and play together. As much as possible, we encourage you to avoid this and to be respectful of the wishes of other parents.

Note: We will not be providing printed kids activities but encourage you to bring anything you need to help your kids (including plenty of water, snacks and sunscreen if its sunny and hot).


Will restrooms be available?

Please try to make sure everyone in your family is in good shape BEFORE you come! However, we will unlock the doors to provide access to the restrooms should there be any unexpected emergencies. Hand sanitizer will be available and wipes for the door handles.


I don’t yet feel comfortable meeting. Can I still be involved?

We are all in different circumstances and we truly believe this is a matter of personal conscience. We encourage you to do what you believe is best for you and your family.

There are still two other options to participate. Firstly, there will be parking spots set aside for those who want to attend but not get out of their cars. They can listen in via the FM broadcast. Secondly, we will continue to live stream the service so you can watch at home (the stream will not include song words etc so please be prepared with a bulletin).


Why have the elders decided it’s ok meet and why are we meeting outside?

A lot of thought and prayer has gone into this decision. As people redeemed by His grace, God has given us guidance about how to live in his Commandments. One helpful way to think about this is as a wise application of Commandments four through six (see Exodus 20).

  • The fourth commandment teaches us to keep the sabbath. A key application of this is to meet together each Lord’s Day. We have reached the point where we believe we are no longer providentially hindered from meeting since we are able to do so safely (see below).
  • The fifth commandment teaches us to honor our father and mother. The Scripture extend this beyond our immediate family to all in positions of authority (cf. Romans 13). We have sought to honor both the spirit and letter of directives of our State and Federal government. We believe there is nothing illegal or disrespectful about meeting in the way we propose.
  • The sixth commandment teaches us not to murder. On the contrary, we should seek to protect and preserve human life since we are made in God’s image. Ensuring the safety of our congregation and community is one of the key things that has guided our decisions. In light of the recommendations of the CDC and local health professionals, we believe our outdoor service will present very little risk.

We ask for your continued prayers and patience as we seek to provide (fallible) leadership to the congregation. Praise God we have an infallible, perfect king who rules no matter what happens!


How long will we be doing this?

We plan to have outdoor services for the next few weeks and then reassess the possibility of resuming services inside the building.


What if I have more questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Mark or one of the other elders if you have any concerns or questions.

Every blessing in Christ,
The Session of West Valley Presbyterian Church