Gospel Sexuality: Raising Sexually Healthy Kids

Date(s) - 03/19/2016
9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Calvary Bible Fellowship


This is a one-day seminar for parents and young children through teens.

Gospel Sexuality: Raising Sexually Healthy Kids gives you Gospel-centered principles and practical helps to disciple your kids’ hearts and nurture their faith as they face the sexual chaos of their world.

Cost: $20 (single admission); $30 (couple admission)

Please direct questions to Brooke Delaney (On behalf of harvest USA).  Click HERE for more info or to register!


What will be discussed?

 Session 1: DISCOVERING: Looking Deeper than the Fruit [Learn how to think through the complex issues of sexuality, how to conceptualize your children as sexual image bearers of God, and how Christ transforms our parenting.]

    Session 2: TALKING: Having the Sex Talk(s) [How do we talk with our children about sexuality?  Learn how to share a Christ-centered vision for sexuality with your family, receive practical guidance for age-appropriate conversations, and find grace for the challenging road ahead.]

    Session 3: PROTECTING: Navigating the Technological Terrain [How can we know our children’s world?  The latest innovations in technology and social media are being used to indoctrinate a fallen sexual worldview.  Learn the dangers of this terrain and what you can do about them in discipling your children.]

    Session 4: WALKING: Shepherding Your Children [All of us are sexually broken, including our children.  Learn how to engage and aid your children as they struggle with various sexual sins and how you can partner with God in being an agent of change in their lives.]
