Sermon Archives

Cradle Cross & Crown
December 27, 2020

Living In Light Of Christmas

Living In Light Of Christmas

In our Christmas series, we’ve seen what Philippians 2:6-11 teaches about the cradle, the cross and the crown of Christ. This week we consider verses 1-5. They show us we should live in light of these realities.

December 13, 2020

The Cross

The Cross

Taking about Jesus death when we’re celebrating his birth at Christmas – isn’t that in bad taste!? According to Philippians 2:8, no! His death is central to why he was born in the first place.

December 6, 2020

The Cradle

The Cradle

Over the Christmas season we are focusing on the glorious truths about Christ presented in Philippians 2:6-11. This week we look at verses 6-7 and consider the wonder of the incarnation.
