Sermon Archives

July 5, 2020

Before Abraham Was, I AM

Before Abraham Was, I AM

So far we’ve considered Jesus make some radical claims. Each of his I AM statements reveals that he alone can meet our deepest needs and desires. In John 8, we see the fundamental reason why!

June 28, 2020

The True Vine

The True Vine

What does it mean to “abide in Christ”? Why is this so important when following Him seems so unpopular?

June 21, 2020

The Way, The Truth & The Life

The Way, The Truth & The Life

John 14 opens with these words, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” At the time, the disciples had plenty to be troubled about, just as we do today. However, in verses 1-7 Jesus explain how we can experience inward calm amid the storms of life.

June 14, 2020

The Resurrection and the Life

The Resurrection and the Life

At a time when hope is desperately needed but in short supply, Jesus tells us where real hope can be found.

June 7, 2020

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

In trying and uncertain times, what we need more than anything is a leader who knows us, cares for us and is willing to die for us. In Christ, the Good Shepherd, we have just the leader we need!

May 24, 2020

The Light Of The World

The Light Of The World

In a world full of darkness, Jesus Christ meets out deepest needs by bringing the light of His revelation, His righteousness and His redemption.

May 21, 2020

The Bread Of Life

The Bread Of Life

We begin our series in the “I am” sayings of Jesus considering how essential He is to life and how enduring His provision is compared to anything else.
