Sermon Archives

Living the Dream
January 3, 2021

Facing 2021 With Confidence

Facing 2021 With Confidence

With the year we’ve just had, how can we look forward to 2021 with hope and confidence? In Genesis 50:19-21, Joseph models three things to help us!

November 22, 2020

Dream Come True

Dream Come True

For the last two week’s we’ve seen how God brings reconciliation in his family. We conclude our series by looking at God’s solution to fear and despair as we face the future together.

November 15, 2020

Dream Team (part 2)

Dream Team (part 2)

What are the necessary steps for reconciliation to happen in a relationship? Last week, we considered the importance of repentance. This week we look at what Joseph teaches about the nature of forgiveness.

November 8, 2020

Dream Team (Part 1)

Dream Team (Part 1)

Without real reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers, God’s people will fall apart. The same is true of the church today – how can we be effective if we just can’t get along. This week we consider the first thing God does to prevent that happening – he brings Joseph’s brothers to a place of […]

November 1, 2020

In Your Dreams

In Your Dreams

Everyone rides off into the sunset to live happily ever after… that’s the way we like a story to end. That’s isn’t the case for Joseph. His exaltation as steward of Egypt isn’t the end of the story. Rather, it’s the beginning of the story of God resolving the unresolved issues with him and his […]

October 25, 2020

Dream Job

Dream Job

Where do you turn to to make sense of life: human wisdom or the Word of God? Who do you trust to save your life: human strength or the Servant of God? These are the questions that confront Pharaoh, and us, in Genesis 41.

October 18, 2020

Pipe Dream

Pipe Dream

In Genesis 40, Joseph encounters one of the biggest disappointments in his life. It looks like God is opening the door for his release, then it slams shut in his face when, “the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him” (verse 23). However, the chapter also contains the encouragement we need when we’re […]

October 11, 2020

Dream On

Dream On

God was with Joseph… but what did that look like? When God is with us, does that mean things will always go well? Joseph’s experience suggests otherwise and also helps point us to Jesus, who is “God with us” in the flesh.

October 4, 2020

Broken Dreams

Broken Dreams

In Genesis 38, God’s dream for humanity seem to be hindered by a catch-22 situation. Through an unconventional means, God provides a way out. Dreams crushed become dreams restored!

September 27, 2020

The Bad Dream

The Bad Dream

In Genesis 37:12-36, things go from bad to worse as Joseph’s brothers attack him and sell him. However, God is still at work, ultimately bringing triumph through tragedy!

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