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August 9, 2015

The Prayer that Sends us on Mission

August 2, 2015

Humbled, Loved, Redeemed

Humbled, Loved, Redeemed

When you get in relationship with God, he will constantly use the Gospel to take you out of your self-centeredness so you can life with God at the center.

July 26, 2015

True Prayer

True Prayer
July 19, 2015

Building Church

Building Church

Paul’s letter to the Corinthians explicitly addressed divisions in the church. Among many exhortations, we find that the apostle appeals to the church as God’s temple to call Christians to unity, and a consideration of how they invest their lives. Paul’s exhortation carries particular significance for a young church hiring a full time pastor.

July 12, 2015

How Jesus Treats Failure

July 5, 2015

Finding Life

June 28, 2015

Love God Hates

Love God Hates

John (the disciple whom Jesus loved) exhorts his readers about a type of love that God hates. He helps his readers navigate the sin of worldliness by offering a sober command, a convincing reason, and a compelling vision. For Further Discussion Why is worldliness so often ignored? How do John’s reasoning and vision compel us […]

June 21, 2015

Knowing for Certain

Knowing for Certain

John affectionately addresses his readers, and offers them 3 ways to know for certain that they have come to know Jesus. Certainty is a theological test, a moral test, and a relational test. For Further Discussion What dangers could arise if John had only written the first or second half of 1 John 2:1? Which […]

June 14, 2015

Peter’s Telic Trajectory

In this book written to comfort believers under persecution, Peter exhorts them to devote themselves to prayer and love for one another in view of the immanent return of Christ.

June 7, 2015

God Our Father

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