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September 25, 2022

Growing In Christ

Growing In Christ

One of Paul’s main concerns in Colossians is that we remain rooted in Christ. But, as we do, we should also expect to grow. Through his prayer in Colossians 1:9-14, Paul helps us see what that growth looks like and also how it comes. We need need to grow deeper roots in the knowledge of […]

September 18, 2022

Grounded In Christ

Grounded In Christ

With false teachers insinuating they were inadequate or disqualified, how could the Colossians know where they stood? In Colossians 1:1-8, Paul seems pretty confident about their spiritual state. As he explains the genuine fruit and gospel roots in their lives, we see what it means for us to be grounded in Christ.

September 11, 2022

Grounded & Growing In Christ

Grounded & Growing In Christ

Have you ever missed a connecting flight? That is how it can feel in the Christian life. We have been transferred into Christ’s Kingdom, but we miss the connection between this and being transformed into His likeness.  Into this void come many false ideas about how we can grow. In Colossians 2:6-8, Paul makes it […]

September 4, 2022

Mimicking The Mission

Mimicking The Mission

Ephesus was a very ‘spiritual’ place – offering many magical and mystical paths to peace and prosperity. It may have a slightly different ‘flavor’ but our world is the same. We are use all kinds of means to achieve an allusive thing called “wellness”. How does Jesus fit into all of this? Is he just […]

August 28, 2022

Mission & Maturity

Mission & Maturity

Discipleship includes a process of moving people toward maturity in Christ by engaging, evangelizing, establishing and equipping them. We regularly run into people who in all kinds of different place along that process. In Acts 18:24-19:10 we encounter two such groups and discover how God moves them forward.

August 21, 2022

God’s Presence on Mission

God’s Presence on Mission

In Acts 18:1-23, we discover how God overcame the Apostle Paul’s fears. In the same way, God is with us wherever we go and in whatever we do; He is faithful to provide, protect, and prepare a way for us.

August 14, 2022

Being Mindful of the Wonder of the Gospel

Being Mindful of the Wonder of the Gospel

Our message today takes a microscope to a single verse: Colossions 1:13. It may be a verse we’ve read often, but lingering on it will provide new insight on the wonders God has done in the Gospel. Our verse helps us be mindful of the terror of being lost, the centrality of Jesus himself, and […]

August 7, 2022

I AM the Bread of Life

I AM the Bread of Life

Today, we look at one of the beautiful facets of who Jesus is: the Bread of Life. He is the core of our identity–who he is and what he has done determines who we are in Him.

July 31, 2022

The Mission Under Scrutiny

The Mission Under Scrutiny

As we question the Gospel, we find that the Gospel questions us–pointing out the inconsistencies in our lives, challenging many of the things we think we believe. Today, we hear how Paul addresses three big questions posed to the Scriptures by the philosophical Athenians: is Christianity ignorance, is Christianity inconsistent, and is Christianity inferior?

July 24, 2022

The Model Mission

The Model Mission

Acts 17:1-15 demonstrates the pattern of Paul’s (and ultimately, Jesus’) missionary work. As we see similarities between this account and Paul’s experience in the previous chapter, we should recognize three key skills to implement in our lives today: first, how to employ his evangelistic strategy, second, that we should expect a mixed reception to our […]

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