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February 27, 2022

God’s Power Amid Pain

God's Power Amid Pain

Exodus is the story of how God saved his people out from under the oppression of Pharaoh and into the freedom of serving Him. However, it begins with the story of how God was at work, keeping his promises, even amid the oppression they experienced!

February 20, 2022

An Unexpected Repentance

An Unexpected Repentance
February 13, 2022

One Goal

One Goal

So far in this series, we have learned that we should use the gifts of the one Spirit as one Body according to the one Way of love. But what does this mean in practice? In 1 Corinthian 14:1-25, Paul applies this to our words. Everything we say should have the same one goal – […]

February 6, 2022

One Way

One Way

So far we’ve seen how God gives us spiritual gifts to serve through the One Spirit. He calls us to use these within One Body. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul lays out the One Way that should guide us in all things.

January 30, 2022

One Body

One Body

As we use our gifts to serve in church, there are two big dangers. Firstly, maybe we feel we don’t bring anything to the table. Secondly, maybe we are arrogant and overconfident about our abilities. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, Paul corrects both extremes by describing the church as one body.

January 23, 2022

One Spirit

One Spirit

As we seek to use our gifts, how can we avoid a worldly obsessions with self-expression? God gave us 1 Corinthians 12-14 to help with just that! In 12:1-13, we discover the where and why of spiritual gifts. They aren’t from us, nor are they for us.

January 16, 2022

A Praying Church

A Praying Church
January 9, 2022

When The Morning Comes

When The Morning Comes
January 2, 2022

Secure in Christ

Secure in Christ

We’ve learned some pretty amazing things in Romans about justification by faith alone and union with Christ. But can we stake our lives on these things? Yes! Romans 8:31-39 remind us that these things come with the greatest guarantee possible!

December 26, 2021

Sons In Christ

Sons In Christ

At Christmas, we celebrate the fact that the eternal Son of God became man so that we might become sons of God in Him. Not that we become divine, but rather enter into a new relationship with the God through faith in Jesus. In Roman 8:14-30, we learn that this sonship includes a new awareness […]

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