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July 25, 2021

The King Who Conquers Evil

The King Who Conquers Evil

Matthew 8:28-34 confronts with a shocking a disturbing reality – there is a personal source of evil that seeks to destroy our lives. It also comforts us with the good news – Jesus came to rescue us from evil!

July 18, 2021

The King Who Calms Our Fears

The King Who Calms Our Fears

Elite military forces usually have some pretty dramatic ways the train their men to serve on the field of battle. In Matthew 8:23-27, we see a dramatic display of Jesus power that helps us serve Him amid the storms of life.

July 11, 2021

The King Who Demands Our All

The King Who Demands Our All

In marketing, people often upsell the benefits but understate the costs. Matthew 8:18-22 see Jesus following an unconventional approach as he presents the demands of true discipleship.

July 4, 2021

The Shadow Of His Wings

Psalm 17 is a psalm of lament but also a model prayer that helps us turn to the Lord for refuge in times of trouble. Note: In this sermon, visiting preacher Joshua Jacob’s also shares a brief update on his ministry.

June 27, 2021

The King Who Bears Our Pain

The King Who Bears Our Pain

So far in Matthew 8, we’ve seen that Jesus is willing and able to restore all kinds of people. Verses 14-17 now begin to point us to HOW Jesus came to do this.

June 20, 2021

The King Who Came For All

The King Who Came For All

Last week we saw that Jesus is willing and able to restore people’s lives. But which people? Are only certain kinds of people welcome at God’s heavenly feast? Matthew 8:5-13 provides an encouraging and challenging answer.

June 13, 2021

The King Who Came To Cleanse

The King Who Came To Cleanse

Matthew 5-7 contains Jesus famous ‘Sermon On The Mount’. Less well known, but equally important are Matthew 8-9. While the sermon on the mount reveals Jesus authority in WORD, Matthew 8-9 displays that same authority in DEED. Jesus demonstrates that he is the promised Savior – the only one able to cleanse unclean people like […]

June 6, 2021

The Lord Of The Harvest

The Lord Of The Harvest

With many graduating from high school or college, it’s the time of year for motivational speeches! Many of these are full of spin and positivity that is frankly unrealistic. In Matthew 9:35-38, Jesus provides a truly positive picture of life that reframes our expectations and priorities. The world is God’s Harvest field. How should knowing […]

May 30, 2021

The God Who Rules

The God Who Rules

We live in a time of great uncertainty – environmentally, economically and politically. In Psalm 107:33-43, we discover how God rules over everything, including these spheres, according to his justice and mercy.

May 23, 2021

Love That Brings Us Peace

Love That Brings Us Peace

Life can feel like a tempest. The storm winds can blow unexpectedly and we can find ourselves in outward and inwards turmoil. Psalm 107:23-32 reveals who is behind this. It also show us where to turn for peace.

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