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August 30, 2020

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

Having laid the foundation of putting God’s glory, God’s kingdom and God’s will first, Jesus now teaches us some challenging and encouraging lessons about how to pray for our own daily needs.

August 23, 2020

Your Will Be Done

Your Will Be Done

There are plenty of resources out there that claim to help us discover “God’s will” for our lives but what does that phrase mean in the context of the Lord’s prayer?

August 16, 2020

Praying With Hope

Praying With Hope

In a world that is chaotic and disordered, the Lord’s prayer teaches us to pray looking forward to a much brighter future!

August 9, 2020

Why Should I Join a Church?

Why Should I Join a Church?

As we receive new members at West Valley, Pastor Tim Young explains what church membership is and why it matters.

August 2, 2020

The Chief End of Prayer

The Chief End of Prayer

Why do you pray? Because God asks you to? To seek his help to meet your needs? Because of the sense of peace it brings? All of those reasons are good, but the first request in the Lord’s prayer suggests a more fundamental motivation.

July 26, 2020

To Whom Do We Pray?

To Whom Do We Pray?

As we begin our series in the Lord’s prayer, we consider the comforting and encouraging way Jesus teaches us to approach God.

July 19, 2020

God Is Our Most Faithful Friend

God Is Our Most Faithful Friend
July 12, 2020

Embracing the culture at arm’s length

Embracing the culture at arm's length

As believers in Christ we constantly feel the push and pull of the culture around us. One the one hand we are called to love and engage; on the other we need to be different and set apart if we are going to have an impact. In 2 Corinthians 6, Paul lays down principles to […]

July 5, 2020

Before Abraham Was, I AM

Before Abraham Was, I AM

So far we’ve considered Jesus make some radical claims. Each of his I AM statements reveals that he alone can meet our deepest needs and desires. In John 8, we see the fundamental reason why!

June 28, 2020

The True Vine

The True Vine

What does it mean to “abide in Christ”? Why is this so important when following Him seems so unpopular?

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