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February 2, 2020

Drifting From The Promise

Drifting From The Promise

After encountering God at Bethel, Jacob has a new-found confidence. However, after several weeks in Haran, his priorities change. Despite his drift, God is still committed to advance his purpose. He’ll even use the deceitful scheme of Laban to accomplish his promise!

January 26, 2020

The Place of Promise

The Place of Promise

Last time we left Jacob fleeing from his home to stay with his uncle in Haran. On the way, God meets him in a dream and reassures him. His promise is still on track and no matter what happens, God will protect Jacob.

January 19, 2020

The Unpromising Promise

The Unpromising Promise

So far in Genesis, we’ve seen God’s promise clear the hurdle of human sin and suffering. Now, as Isaac nears the end of his life, will it survive the feud between Esau and Jacob?

January 12, 2020

The Enduring Promise

The Enduring Promise

God made an amazing promise to Abraham back in Genesis 12. Now it’s time for that promise to pass on to the next generation. How will it fair? Will Isaac fumble or be sacked? Or will God’s plan continue?

December 29, 2019

Our Certain Hope

Our Certain Hope

So far in this series we’ve considered the identity and work of God’s Servant, Jesus. Now we see the outcome of his mission – a certain promise of peace that comes only through Him.

December 24, 2019

God Became Man

God Became Man

John 1:1-18 presents a glorious description of the incarnation. But what should we make of the curious asides about John the Baptism in verses 6-8 and 15? They serve to enhance the uniqueness of what was taking place. John is merely a man sent from God; Jesus is God become man!

December 22, 2019

The Suffering Servant

The Suffering Servant

God’s Servant will bring justice to the nations (Isaiah 42), reveal God to the world (49) and live a life of perfect obedience (50). We might expect people to welcome him with open arms, but in Isaiah 53 we find that he would met with confusion and opposition. However, that very opposition is the way […]

December 15, 2019

The Obedient Servant

The Obedient Servant

As Christmas approaches, we need to remember what it is all about – the arrival of Jesus Christ. But why did He come? We’ve already begun to answer that as we’ve looked at Isaiah 42 and 49 – He will redeem the world and reveal God. But HOW will He do this? Isaiah 50 provides […]

December 8, 2019

Listen To The Servant

Listen To The Servant

In today’s culture, exclusive claims to universal truth are often seen as misplaced and arrogant. However, in Isaiah 49, the Lord Jesus makes such a claim as he demands a hearing from all people.

December 2, 2019

The Meekness of the Servant

The Meekness of the Servant

The angels at the first Christmas sang, “peace on Earth!” But is true peace possible? And is there any hope of real justice? In Isaiah 42 we see that there is, but only through God’s chosen Servant.

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