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August 18, 2019

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is undeniably one of the most influential figures in history with over 2 billion people today claiming to be his followers. But who is he? There are countless answers to that question, but where do YOU stand when it comes to his identity?

August 11, 2019

Why do we need new birth?

Why do we need new birth?

In John 3, Jesus uses the image of birth to describe how we become Christians. What does he mean by this and why is it so important?

August 4, 2019

Truth-promoting Love

Truth-promoting Love

One of the challenges Christians face today is standing firm for the truth while also being loving and compassionate. The letters of 2 and 3 John help us understand how to can navigate this tension. This week we see how love promotes truth, but self-centeredness opposes it.

July 28, 2019

Truth in Love

Truth in Love

One of the challenges Christians face today is standing firm for the truth while also being loving and compassionate. The letters of 2 and 3 John help us understand how to can navigate this tension. This week we see how Love must be founded on and informed by the Truth of God’s Word.

July 21, 2019

The Reigning Word

The Reigning Word

The rulers of this world rise and fall but as Christians, we are citizens of an enduring, eternal kingdom. Acts 12 gives us confidence by helping us relate these two realities.

July 14, 2019

The Growing and Grounding Word

The Growing and Grounding Word

In business, rapid growth often brings new challenges. How do you grow, but also maintain your original vision and values? In Acts 11, we see how God helps the church navigate this tension.

July 7, 2019

The Impartial Word

The Impartial Word

In our series so far, we’ve seen the Word overflowing the boundaries of Jerusalem and Judea and on into Samaria. In Acts 10, the dam bursts and God shows that the message of Christ is for all nations.

June 30, 2019

The Meaning Of Baptism

The Meaning Of Baptism

You can sometimes see a work of art and wonder, “what exactly is that?” That’s how we may feel about the ‘picture’ of Baptism. If so, Acts 2 helps us understand what it means.

June 23, 2019

The Life-giving Word

The Life-giving Word

It often feels as though the church has lost its power and is experiencing a spiritual ‘blackout’.  However, Acts 9:31-43 shows that we are still connected to the spiritual grid. Jesus is still transforming people by his life-giving power.

June 16, 2019

The Strengthening Word

The Strengthening Word

Last time we saw the powerful way Jesus turned Paul’s life around. In Acts 9:19-31, we now see how he and the Church went from strength to strength by God’s Word.

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