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January 20, 2019

Faith When Kingdoms Collide

Faith When Kingdoms Collide

As Christians we are ‘dual citizens’ of earth and of heaven. When these two realms collide, Genesis 14 helps us understand how we should respond.

January 13, 2019

Faith With Focus

Faith With Focus

As every professional musician or athlete will tell you, success only comes with single-minded commitment. In Genesis 13, Abraham demonstrates that true faith also includes this kind of fixed focus.

January 6, 2019

Faith in the Promise

Faith in the Promise

Life is a journey, but what does the journey of faith look like? In Genesis 12, we see how Abraham’s journey illuminates our own. We discover that true faith centers on God and his promises.

December 30, 2018

Confident For The Future

Confident For The Future

As we head into a new year, Luke 2:21-40 show us where to find hope for the days and weeks ahead.

December 24, 2018

Responding to the Gift

Responding to the Gift

There can be a lot of pressure associated with opening gifts! How to react? Delighted, surprised or masking disappointment? In Luke 2:8-21, God shows us how we should respond to the greatest Gift.

December 23, 2018

Growing In Confidence

Growing In Confidence

Is Christmas just a myth or moral fairytale? Zechariah struggled to believe at the start, but in Luke 1:57-80 we discover that he is now persuaded. How can we have this kind of confidence and what does that look like?

December 16, 2018

Confident in God’s Savior

Confident in God's Savior

Do you enjoy Christmas? In Luke 1:39-56, we discover that the first Christmas was filled with joy! But why? And how can we experience true joy this Christmas?

December 9, 2018

Confident in God’s King

Confident in God's King

We often treat those in power as if they were going to save us. If not, we can easily look to other things or people to bring us peace. In Luke 1:26-38 we learn why Jesus alone deserves our confidence.

December 2, 2018

Confident In God’s Preparation

Confident In God's Preparation

We easily loose sight of the true meaning of Christian when we’re busy frantically preparing. The key is to focus less on our own preparations and more on the way God prepared for Jesus’ arrival.

November 25, 2018

God Our Refuge

God Our Refuge

The world is so full of chaos and calamity it can be hard to find our moorings. In Psalm 46, we discover the one place we can always find stability and safety.

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