Sermon Archives

Mark Howard
May 16, 2021

Love That Makes Us Whole

Love That Makes Us Whole

Our last year has been disrupted by disease but Psalm 107:17-22 describes a disease that disrupts our whole lives. Thankfully, it also reminds us where we can look for healing.

May 9, 2021

Love That Sets Us Free

Love That Sets Us Free

Last time we saw how God delivers us from the ‘desert’ of life without him. This week, Psalm 107:10-16 show us how he rescues us from the dungeon.

May 2, 2021

Love That Brings Us Home

Love That Brings Us Home

Heat, sand, salt and volcanic activity – these aren’t the descriptions you expect to find in the brochure for a vacation resort. They describe a desert wasteland, not unlike the one we find in Psalm 107:4-9. The good news is, when we turn to Christ, God rescues us from that wasteland according to His steadfast […]

April 25, 2021

Giving Thanks For God’s Rescue

Giving Thanks For God's Rescue

We teach our kids to say “please” and “thank you” but we often lack spiritual ‘manners’ when it comes to God. In Psalm 107, God trains and reorients us to be thankful for his great salvation! In this first sermon in the series, we look at verses 1-3 and get an overview of the psalm.

March 28, 2021

(Mis)understanding Greatness

(Mis)understanding Greatness

In Mark 9:30-37, Jesus continues to explain what will happen to Him in Jerusalem. His disciples don’t understand and the argument that follows helps explain why.

March 21, 2021

(Mis)understanding The Need

(Mis)understanding The Need

In Mark 8, Jesus begins to teach about his imminent death and resurrection, only to meet with opposition and confusion from his disciples. Verses 27-33 help us understand why, and illustrate two conflicting ideologies: one in which his death is necessary, one in which it’s a waste.

March 14, 2021

Guard The Gospel By Standing Together

Guard The Gospel By Standing Together

Guarding the GospelĀ is a challenging task. What we learn in 2 Timothy 4:9-22 is that it’s something we can’t do on our own!

March 7, 2021

Guard The Gospel By Preaching The Word

Guard The Gospel By Preaching The Word

Our series in 2 Timothy has been all about “guarding the gospel” but how do we do that? Should we hide it and lock it away in a safe place? No! In chapter 4, we discover that we guard the gospel by faithfully and consistently preaching it!

February 28, 2021

Guard The Gospel By Staying In The Word

Guard The Gospel By Staying In The Word

So far we have seen the reasons we need to guard the gospel: persecution from the outside and deception from within. Now, in 2 Timothy 3:10-17 we discover the RESOURCES we need to help us continue.

February 21, 2021

Guard The Gospel By Avoiding Distractions

Guard The Gospel By Avoiding Distractions

In 2 Timothy 3:1-9, Paul paints a sobering picture of a group of godless people. More than that, he warns us to expect such people to infiltrate the church! They will pretend to be believers, and exploit the most vulnerable. What should we do about such a terrible threat? Paul provides a surprising answer.

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