Sermon Archives

Mark Howard
July 14, 2019

The Growing and Grounding Word

The Growing and Grounding Word

In business, rapid growth often brings new challenges. How do you grow, but also maintain your original vision and values? In Acts 11, we see how God helps the church navigate this tension.

July 7, 2019

The Impartial Word

The Impartial Word

In our series so far, we’ve seen the Word overflowing the boundaries of Jerusalem and Judea and on into Samaria. In Acts 10, the dam bursts and God shows that the message of Christ is for all nations.

June 30, 2019

The Meaning Of Baptism

The Meaning Of Baptism

You can sometimes see a work of art and wonder, “what exactly is that?” That’s how we may feel about the ‘picture’ of Baptism. If so, Acts 2 helps us understand what it means.

June 23, 2019

The Life-giving Word

The Life-giving Word

It often feels as though the church has lost its power and is experiencing a spiritual ‘blackout’.  However, Acts 9:31-43 shows that we are still connected to the spiritual grid. Jesus is still transforming people by his life-giving power.

May 26, 2019

The Pursuing Word

The Pursuing Word

Jesus came to earth on a search and rescue mission. In Acts 8:26-40, this mission continues as Jesus uses His Word to seek and save all kinds of people.

May 19, 2019

The Greater Word

The Greater Word

Jesus has all power and authority. We say we believe this but how should it impact our life as a church and as individuals?

May 12, 2019

The Unrestricted Word

The Unrestricted Word

In Acts 7 we see the clash of two kinds of religion. The first is the outmoded, ritualistic faith of the leaders in Jerusalem.  The other is the unhindered world-wide movement that continues today as a result of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

May 5, 2019

The Word on the move

The Word on the move

In Acts 1-2 the Lord Jesus launches and equips the church to be his witnesses. In the following chapters, we see how this mission is opposed. In Acts 7, things reach fever pitch with the stoning of Stephen, but God uses that terrible event to move the mission forward.

April 21, 2019

One True King

One True King

This Easter Sunday morning, we consider what the resurrection demonstrates about Jesus role as King.

April 14, 2019

One True Priest

One True Priest

The gap between us and God doesn’t just stem from our ignorance of Him. The problem is relational – we are estranged because of our rebellion against Him. The book of Hebrews helps us understand how Jesus bridges that gap as the one True Priest.

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