Sermon Archives

Mark Howard
October 28, 2018

Textbook Community

Textbook Community

Christianity is a ‘team sport’ and the Christian life should be lived in community. In 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, we discover what that community should be like.

October 21, 2018

Textbook Hoping

Textbook Hoping

Some of us love to know all the details ahead of time so we plan accordingly. When it comes to the return of Jesus, we can’t know the specifics but we can still prepare, as 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 shows.

October 14, 2018

Textbook Dying

Textbook Dying

Death is a painful subject to consider and one that many of us are ignorance about. Therefore, we can tend to avoid it. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul tackles it head on and shows how knowing the facts about death should give Christians hope and confidence.

October 7, 2018

Textbook Living

Textbook Living

One of the seven ‘signs of life’ in biology is growth. The same is true spiritually. As we learn in 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, the Christian life is should be marked by progress.

September 30, 2018

Textbook Investing

Textbook Investing

We can easily make an idol of someone by putting them ahead of God. An equal and opposite danger is to never truly invest ourselves in others. In 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13, Paul shows us what it really looks like to invest in people.

September 23, 2018

Textbook Outreach

Textbook Outreach

In 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Paul defends himself against the charge that he preached with false motives. As he does, he also defines what true ministry looks like.

September 16, 2018

Textbook Christianity

Textbook Christianity

In 1 Thessalonians 1:7, we learn that this young church set an example for neighboring believers. We see this in the way they received the Word (6) and the way they relayed the Word (8). In all this they followed Christ, our true standard.

September 9, 2018

Textbook Beginnings

Textbook Beginnings

People often look to the origins of Apple or Amazon to discover the secret sauce of success. When it comes to Church growth, the church I Thessalonica isn’t a bad place to look: in many ways they were a model congregation. This week, we consider their textbook beginning and what it has to say to […]

September 2, 2018

The path to prosperity

The path to prosperity

Want to become well-equipped, not only to handle your own life challenges, but also to encourage others amid theirs? In this brief parable, Jesus reveals how!

August 26, 2018

Unexpected Judgment

Unexpected Judgment

So far in Matthew 13 we’ve seen the unexpected way Jesus’ Kingdom advances now. In the parable of the net (47-50) the focus turns to the future. As we start a new school year, this vision of ‘the end of the age’ should shape our priorities.

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