Sermon Archives

Mark Howard
April 9, 2023

Easter Unwrapped

Easter Unwrapped

As we unpack the meaning of Easter from 1 Peter 1:3-9, we learn it brings new life in place of death, new hope in place of despair, and new joy in place of sadness.

April 2, 2023

Revelation & Response

Revelation & Response

Habakkuk 3 a closing hymn. It’s a sung prayer that contains two elements: Revelation (we learn something about God) and a Response (we see how the truth about God impacts us). Having heard God’s answer to his questions, Habakkuk breaks forth in worship.

March 26, 2023

God’s Perfect Justice

God's Perfect Justice

In our passage today, God reassures us that there will be a glorious end to our pain and suffering. God’s gives Habakkuk a glimpse of what is to come and that future includes the full manifestation of the justice and glory of God.

March 19, 2023

Watching & Waiting

Watching & Waiting

How can a Holy God use horrendous things to advance His purposes? There is no easy answer to the problem of evil. But as we study Habakkuk’s hard questions, we learn that, while He doesn’t tell us everything we want to know, God tells us what we need to know by giving us His Word […]

March 12, 2023

Does God Care?

Does God Care?

The book of Habakkuk opens with the prophet’s first question: “does God care about corruption within His people and the wickedness of the world?” God responds, stating He will use the wicked world to purify His people. What we learn in Habakkuk might surprise us and may be difficult to hear; but God is Sovereign […]

March 5, 2023

True Faith

True Faith

What does it mean to put our faith in Christ? In John 4:43-54, we see two examples of faith: fragile and firm. The first looks at what it can see with no sense of confidence or assurance. The latter listens to what Jesus says and takes Him at His word.

February 26, 2023

True Grace

True Grace

In our passage today, as Jesus speaks with the Samaritan woman, we see how God extends grace to the most unlikely of sinners. We should be encouraged that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done, Jesus’ opens his arms to all. We should also be challenged by this passage because Jesus […]

February 19, 2023

The Final Word

The Final Word

Often, we relativize the things Jesus said; we treat his words as if they’re something to debate. Jesus alone has ultimate authority because he is the fulfillment of all God’s promises, He is the fullness of God in human flesh, and as a result He has the final word.

February 12, 2023

The Worst & Best News

The Worst & Best News

Jesus challenges the most basic assumptions about our society in his exchange with Nicodemus. The problem with the world is much worse than we think, but the solution is much better than we can imagine.

February 5, 2023

Jesus Cleans House

Jesus Cleans House

In John chapter 2, Jesus drives out the money-changers from the Temple. He acts in such a dramatic way to address the corruption and abuse within the establishment of Israel. He cleans out the outward corruption as well as the inner corruption of our hearts–the sin that keeps us from coming to God.

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