Sermon Archives

Mark Howard
July 24, 2022

The Model Mission

The Model Mission

Acts 17:1-15 demonstrates the pattern of Paul’s (and ultimately, Jesus’) missionary work. As we see similarities between this account and Paul’s experience in the previous chapter, we should recognize three key skills to implement in our lives today: first, how to employ his evangelistic strategy, second, that we should expect a mixed reception to our […]

July 17, 2022

Frontier Missions

Frontier Missions

We see the plans of God advance as He teaches us to respond to the unexpected. As the Holy Spirit redirects Paul and Silas’ missionary journey, we learn how God uses our frustrations to further His plans. When the two are then imprisoned and preach the Good News to the Philippian jailer, we see how […]

July 10, 2022

The Mission in Conflict

The Mission in Conflict

Disagreements in this life are inevitable—even between believers. And yet, God can use conflict between Christians to advance the Gospel. Our passage today demonstrates this as Paul and Barnabas part ways during their missionary work and as we see Paul and Timothy wisely avoiding unnecessary conflict.  

June 26, 2022

The Mission Clarified

The Mission Clarified

In today’s passage, the question is posed: is faith in Jesus Christ enough? Is salvation based off of what we do? To answer these questions, Pastor Mark Howard describes the events leading up to the Jerusalem Council recounted in Acts 15, unpacks the Scriptual argument for the Gospel taking place there, and how the council […]

June 19, 2022

A Successful Mission?

A Successful Mission?

Acts 14 helps reshape our expectations of what it looks like to be successful in the Christian life. Paul and Barnabas’ account of their time in Iconium and Lystra shows us three marks of being successful in spreading the Gospel: enduring patiently amidst suffering, exalting Christ amid apparent success, and equipping disciples for the challenges […]

June 12, 2022

The Message for the Mission

The Message for the Mission

Today we learn from our passage in Acts how Jesus fulfills God’s promises as, through his death and resurrection, he frees from God’s punishment all who put their faith in Him.

June 5, 2022

Preparing For The Mission

Preparing For The Mission

The journey to advance the Gospel that began in Acts continues today as we bear witness to Christ at home, at work, and in our surrounding communities. In today’s passage, we learn from Paul and Barnabas’ experience four key elements to the Gospel mission: finding a strong launchpad, following the Spirit’s lead, preparing for spiritual […]

May 22, 2022

Building Out

Building Out

As we wrap up our Blueprint series, we focus on our third goal: building out bridges to the world. 1 Peter 2:9-12 demonstrates how we can put this into practice by living among, rather than avoiding culture, abstaining from our sins and temptations, and attracting outsiders to the merciful Christ.

May 15, 2022

Building In

Building In

In 1 Peter 2:1-10, Peter encourages believers struggling to find their identity to embrace being God’s chosen people in a divided world. Through this encouragement, believers today can invest in deeper fellowship by understanding our shared identity as God’s people, our shared mission of declaring God’s graces, and our shared experience of God’s amazing mercy.

May 8, 2022

Building Up

Building Up

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