Sermon Archives

Mark Howard
May 1, 2022

The Foundation

The Foundation
April 17, 2022

Our Only Hope

Our Only Hope
April 10, 2022

God’s Power to Save (part 2)

God's Power to Save (part 2)
April 3, 2022

God’s Power to Save

God’s Power to Save
March 27, 2022

God’s Power On Display

God’s Power On Display
March 20, 2022

God’s Power On Trial

God’s Power On Trial
March 13, 2022

God’s Power To Prepare Us

God's Power To Prepare Us

Before Moses could lead the people, in Exodus 4, God leads him through his own doubts and fears and inconsistencies.

March 10, 2022

God’s Power In Our Weakness

God's Power In Our Weakness
February 27, 2022

God’s Power Amid Pain

God's Power Amid Pain

Exodus is the story of how God saved his people out from under the oppression of Pharaoh and into the freedom of serving Him. However, it begins with the story of how God was at work, keeping his promises, even amid the oppression they experienced!

February 13, 2022

One Goal

One Goal

So far in this series, we have learned that we should use the gifts of the one Spirit as one Body according to the one Way of love. But what does this mean in practice? In 1 Corinthian 14:1-25, Paul applies this to our words. Everything we say should have the same one goal – […]

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