Sermon Archives

Mark Howard
January 29, 2023

The Wedding Is On!

The Wedding Is On!

The Wedding at Cana in John chapter 2 is not a simple display of Jesus’ power. It is a sign that Jesus is the only way to experience God’s blessing in both this life and into eternity.

January 22, 2023

Seekers & Skeptics Sought

Seekers & Skeptics Sought

No matter who we are, all of us can be found by Jesus Christ. In our text today, we see a spectrum of attitudes and responses to spiritual matters. But whether someone is a seeker of spiritual truth or a skeptic, we are all sought by Jesus Christ.

January 15, 2023

The Copernican Revolution

The Copernican Revolution

Following Christ requires s a type of Copernican Revolution. Left to own devices, we will put ourselves at the center of our everything thinking: “the world orbits around me.” John’s testimony teaches us that to follow Christ is to embrace the true center of all things: Jesus.

January 8, 2023

Seeing the Unseen God

Seeing the Unseen God

The Apostle John begins his Gospel proclaiming that the Divine nature of God is united in Jesus, someone John personally met. John writes to teach us about this unseen God is (who we now see in Jesus) and how He came to rescue us from our sins.

December 25, 2022

How Jesus’ Birth Changes Everything

How Jesus’ Birth Changes Everything

In Isaiah’s 9:1-7, we hear the joyous news of the Messiah–the one True King who brings true freedom and true peace.

December 4, 2022

Bearing Fruit in the World

Bearing Fruit in the World

As Christians, how can we make an impact on the world? In closing out his letter to the Colossians, Paul provides three practical steps to become more effective in showing and sharing the Word with our communities: through prayer, preparation, and partnership.

November 27, 2022

Giving Thanks for God

Giving Thanks for God

Psalm 136 gives us cause to acknowledge the Giver. In a season that makes it easy for us to be discontent with what we don’t have, it is important to remember what we do have in the Lord Jesus. Give thanks for who God is–for His goodness, greatness, and grace–and what He has done for […]

November 13, 2022

Growing as a Community

Growing as a Community

Colossians 3:12-17 teaches us specific ways to grow in maturity as an imperfect body. Firstly, we should be a community that shows the grace of Christ in how we treat others. Secondly, we need to embody the peace of Christ as we strive for unity in all things. And thirdly, we must speak the Word […]

November 6, 2022

Growing Character

Growing Character

As Christians, we find ourselves often drawn to the past. But sometimes there are unhelpful ways we find ourselves turning back. Paul warns us that, in Jesus, we’re made new; and as such, we have died to our old life. Consequently, we should not be nostalgic for our life before Christ. He has given us […]

October 30, 2022

Growing Convictions

Growing Convictions

Paul warns the Colossians to not be taken with empty promises of inclusion, upgrade, and empowerment that the world claims to offer. But instead, he tells believers to resist being led astray from the straight and narrow because we already have everything we need in Jesus Christ.

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